The analysis firm, GlassDollar, together with Business Insider, has provided monthly insights into the fastest growing start-ups. Such insights are normally reserved for professional investors only. This time ANNEA is the number one fastest growing start-up in Germany! We were already in the top 15 in the August issue, but in September we achieved the highest position in this GlassDollar ranking.
In second place is the telemedicine start-up Kinderheldin, which offers online consultations and courses by midwives for young parents. In third place is a designs and software development start-up Nordantech, they provide a web based multi-project management tool for companies.
The evaluation is based on 16,000 German companies that due to their technology-savvy and scalable business model, as well as being less than 20 year old, fall into the start-up grid. The most important factors that GlassDollar assesses are growth by size and the buzz around the company. Also included in the index value are website views and social media followers.
Here is a list of start-ups that made it into the top 12 fastest growing start-ups in Germany for September:
This is a summary of the Business Insider Deutschland Article: “Ranking: Das sind die Top 100 der am schnellsten wachsenden Startups im September”. View the article online.
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