We are living in an era defined by data. The importance of data is increasing day by day and covers an essential part of the core of any business. At ANNEA, we work with a huge amount of data every day, creating AI models combined with physical and normal behaviour modelling principles. However, prior to building and training the models, there is a crucial step: data acquisition. Depending on your IT architecture and data policy, data gathering might become a real challenge. Through reading this blog post, you will gain an understanding of the whole process of data acquisition, pre-processing and the perspective of ANNEA.
First thing is first! Let’s start with the basics.
Data acquisition stands for the process of transmitting a real-world phenomenon into a digital numeric value. Warmth and cold, which are observable, can be used to explain the phenomenon in the physical world, while computers, which store data as digital numeric values, can be used to explain it in the digital world (temperature and vibration). In simplified terms, it is a translation process.
The importance of data acquisition systems (DAQ) has increased significantly in the last decade due to the rise in reliance on data and as these systems provide accuracy. Data acquisition systems are defined as any instrument or computer that acquires data from sensors through amplifiers, multiplexers, and any necessary analogue to digital converters or the internet. The system itself transmits data to a central location for processing.
There are multiple ways of acquiring data, depending on the type of data that is to be acquired. The type of data and acquisition techniques are different as the various types of data need specific ways to be collected. Depending on the needs and approaches to be taken collecting new data, using previously existing data, reusing data belonging to other businesses, purchasing data and, acquiring data from open sources are the simplest ways of acquiring data. Below, we share the most common ways of acquiring new data through digital components that we use at ANNEA:
A sensor, also called a transducer, converts a real-world phenomenon e.g. warmth or cold, into a measurable electrical signal such as voltage or resistance. ANNEA provides, if necessary, the ANNEA sensor boxes that can be installed in your assets in addition to the existing ones. These sensors were developed using the latest generation of vibration and temperature sensors, especially for the purpose of predictive maintenance. The advantages of implementing the state-of-the-art sensors of ANNEA:
- Prediction of future problems of your assets
- Pinpointing the root-cause of the problem
- Increased productivity of your assets
- Avoiding unplanned maintenance and downtime
- Decreased OPEX and reducing labour cost
Sensor calibration reflects the determination of the relationship between the values of a measure and output by a measurement instrument within defined conditions. Calibration verifies the precision and ability to reproduction of measurement instruments, such as sensors and measuring systems. Sensor calibration is key for a precise and reliable measurement. Additionally, it enables reproducibility of the measurements, providing efficiency and quality.
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are generally used in industrial plants. SCADA is an advanced computer system for collecting and analysing real-time data. Implementing SCADA to your plants will provide you the following benefits:
- Control of industrial processes locally or remotely
- Monitoring, gathering and processing real-time data
- Direct interaction with devices, such as sensors
- Human machine interface (HMI) software
- Recording of the events
Meteorological data stands for the meteorological phenomena caused by the atmosphere, such as wind, temperature, air density, etc. that may have an impact on the condition of industrial plants. At ANNEA we analyse the real-time weather forecast in a more detailed way to make your assets more efficient.
Wie der Name schon sagt, sammelt ein Zustandsüberwachungssystem Daten von implementierten Sensoren, um den Zustand der Anlage(n) zu überwachen. Nach der Erfassung der Daten kann eine vorausschauende Wartung durchgeführt werden. Die Zustandsüberwachung hilft, die Betriebskosten und die Gesamtarbeitskosten zu senken, die Produktivität zu erhöhen und ungeplante Wartungsarbeiten zu vermeiden. Letztendlich wird Ihre Anlage(n) dadurch produktiver sein.
Ein Gateway ist eine Software- oder Hardwarelösung, die einen einzigen zentralen Zugangspunkt für die Verbindung mit dem/den Zielgerät(en) bei der Verbindung mit mehreren Datenquellen bietet.
Es gibt zwei Arten von Gateways, die sich auf die Richtung des Datenflusses konzentrieren:
- Unidirectional Gateways:Allowing data to flow in only one direction. They can be used as archiving tools.
- Bidirectional Gateways:Allowing data to flow in both directions. They can be used as synchronization tools. Focusing on their functionalities, there is a high variety of different gateways. We highlighted the types of gateways we use at ANNEA:
Network Gateway: The most common type of gateway. Providing interface between two dissimilar networks operating with different protocols. Whenever a gateway is mentioned without its type, it generally means a network gateway.
Cloud Storage Gateway: It is a network node or server translating storage requests with different cloud storage service APIs. These gateways facilitate the integration of private cloud storage into applications without the necessity of application transfer into any public cloud, thus, simplifying data communication.
IoT Gateway: IoT gateway assimilates sensor data from IoT devices in the field and translates between sensor protocols before sending it to the cloud network. They provide connection between IoT devices, cloud network and user applications.
The data we collect at ANNEA, as a result of our values, is precise and accurate as well as focusing on the safety and privacy of our customers. Therefore, we conduct specific steps to make your data reliable such as pre-processing, primary data evaluation and data cleaning where you can find detailed information below.
Wie eingangs erwähnt, steht die Datenerfassung für den Prozess der Umwandlung eines realen Phänomens in einen digitalen numerischen Wert. Dieser Prozess erfolgt mit Hilfe einer Vielzahl von Sensoren und Signalaufbereitern. Die Ausgänge werden von Analog-Digital-Wandlern (ADC) abgetastet und dann in einem zeitbasierten Strom auf ein digitales Speichermedium geschrieben. Diese Systeme werden als Messsysteme bezeichnet.
Die Übertragung und die Datenumwandlung sind die wichtigsten Schritte, die es zu beachten gilt. Daten werden in einer digitalen Domäne auf unterschiedliche Weise kodiert. Die Datenkonvertierung ist der Prozess der Umwandlung von Daten aus dem digitalen Bereich von einem Format in ein anderes. Bei der Datenübertragung handelt es sich um die Übertragung von Daten über eine Punkt-zu-Punkt- oder Punkt-zu-Mehrpunkt-Verbindung zum Ziel. Diese spezifischen Prozesse können, vereinfacht gesagt, als Übersetzung bzw. Kommunikation bezeichnet werden.
ANNEA enables you to process your data with our end-to-end solutions. Your measurements are transmitted through gateway(s) to your target storage. As a part of our unique solutions for our customers, we process your data with the ANNEA digital twin technology, offering more precise results for each of your assets. We set-up digital twins (virtual replicas) of your assets which allow us to predict the future health condition of their components individually. Moreover, your data is always transmitted with precision, full security and privacy on the ANNEA Cloud.
Data storage is the process of collecting data in a storage medium. Today, digital data storage systems have become more essential for businesses, as they are faster and more secure than analogue options. Data storage in a digital, machine-readable medium is often called digital data. Digitalisation is the major factor driving the trends of change in these applications.
Businesses, in general, prefer to store their data on software-defined storage (SDS), cloud storage, network-attached storage (NAS), object storage and, file storage. The way the data is stored is subject to what kind of data businesses want to acquire and how to store the data. The solution offered by the ANNEA Cloud is a secured and private transmission of your data to our servers.
In der Regel beginnen Unternehmen mit der Analyse der Daten, die sie bei der Speicherung erfasst haben. Unter Datenanalyse versteht man die Untersuchung, Umwandlung und Modellierung der erfassten Daten mit dem Ziel, nützliche Informationen zu entdecken und Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen.
Bei der Analyse der erfassten Daten gibt es entscheidende Schritte, die in der Regel im Dunkeln bleiben, wie die Datenvorverarbeitung. Sie macht manchmal bis zu 80 % der gesamten Datenanalyse aus, selbst bei KI-Anwendungen. Datenwissenschaftler arbeiten an diesem entscheidenden Schritt, um die Daten in nützliche Formate zu bringen.
Bei der Datenvorverarbeitung führen wir eine primäre Datenauswertung durch, die die ursprüngliche Analyse widerspiegelt. Dazu gehört auch die Datenbereinigung, d. h. das Aufspüren und Korrigieren fehlerhafter oder ungenauer Daten und das anschließende Ändern oder Löschen "schmutziger" Daten, um die Daten genauer zu machen.
Für uns bei ANNEA sind Daten das Herzstück unseres täglichen Lebens. Wir beschaffen, verarbeiten, analysieren und handhaben den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Daten mit Professionalität. Als Ergebnis bieten wir die nächste Generation einer automatisierten, vorausschauenden Wartungsplattform, die es Maschinen ermöglicht, ihren eigenen Gesundheitszustand zu analysieren und zu kommunizieren.
Heutzutage sind die meisten Anlagen mit Sensoren ausgestattet. Der Unterschied liegt darin, wie die Daten ausgewertet werden. Mit der autonom arbeitenden IoT-Plattform von ANNEA sind unsere Kunden bei der modernen Datenerfassung und -auswertung einen Schritt voraus.
We extract, transform, load (ETL) data from multiple sources to set up a database. You can control, monitor and analyse real-time data through the state-of-the-art SCADA system whether at your asset(s) or in online platforms. ANNEA combines different data sources, including SCADA, CMS, and Meteorological data in order to create a benefit for our customers and to predict the future failure events (in which component and when and what the root-cause will be) in their assets. Especially for machines that operate outdoors, meteorological data plays a key role in the whole process. Therefore, we analyse the meteorological data combining all the possibilities and come up with the best possible solutions to maximise the efficiency of your plant(s).
At ANNEA we do not see data as just a value bringing efficiency to your business. Data is also a private property that is an important part of the ID of your company. Thus, data security is a top priority for ANNEA. We always respect the regulations, such as GDPR, whether we are processing your data or protecting your data. Also, we treat your data with the maximum level of discreteness. You can choose on how to store your data in order to ensure their privacy.
We have brought to you an overview of the data acquisition process. Keep an eye on our blog as we will be sharing with you more on how we tackle the possible problems with our solutions. Our next topic will be the IoT Solutions. Kontaktieren Sie uns also on LinkedIn to gain further insights from our experts!
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