Internet of Things (IoT), has given us a unique opportunity: witnessing an industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) that has not happened with this complexity and rapidness before. Developments and future predictions are being replaced instantly. Moments like this, require constant follow up and implementation of the latest happenings. IoT is changing our lives and business on a daily basis with great speed. The challenge is adapting to this great speed while not breaking the harmony with other applications or components.

IoT ist ein weiterer Kernbereich für uns. Die Art und Weise, wie ANNEA is offering its next generation tailor made solutions is very much connected to this sphere. As a result, our expertise in IoT is bringing ANNEA to an important position with important responsibilities.

In this article, you will find a wide range explanation of IoT and the unique aspects of how ANNEA offers its expertise services through this system. Let’s start with the basics.



It stands for the concept of connectivity and information and data exchange between smart devices and systems through the internet that are equipped with sensors and software. The connectivity and information and data exchange can be done autonomously. Simple explanation: communication and interaction of smart devices between each other while belonging to a single system.



Es bezieht sich auf die Nutzung von vernetzten Sensoren, Geräten oder Maschinen für industrielle Zwecke. Da die Anforderungen industrieller Prozesse komplexere Lösungen erfordern, sind die in industriellen Sensoren, Maschinen oder Geräten verwendeten Technologien fortschrittlicher. Um die Sicherheit, Effizienz und Produktivität zu verbessern, hat sich das IIoT daher aus der Maschine-zu-Maschine-Kommunikation (M2M) entwickelt.



Industry 4.0 is the term used for the latest industrial revolution (the fourth) which has occurred and still developing in the industrial area. Since the first industrial revolution, there has been a focus technology. For the fourth industrial revolution, the standardisation of IoT emerged automated analysis and diagnosis, self-monitoring, and improved communication between smart, especially industrial, devices.



Technologische Verbesserungen folgen einander. Fortschritte in anderen Technologien lassen neue Technologien entstehen oder verbreiteter werden. Daher ist die IoT-Technologie für viele Branchen und das tägliche Leben der Menschen zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil geworden. Im Folgenden finden Sie die wichtigsten Ereignisse und Technologien, die das IoT möglich gemacht haben.

Sensoren: Der Zugang zu billigeren und stabilen Sensoren mit fortschrittlicher Technologie ermöglichte eine schnellere Verbreitung der IoT-Technologie.

Konnektivität / drahtlose Kommunikation: Die Verbindung zwischen den Geräten hat den Weg für das IoT geebnet. Die drahtlose Kommunikation und Netzwerkprotokolle haben jedoch die Zukunft neu definiert.

Cloud-Computing-Plattformen: Sichere, größere Speicher- und Softwareplattformen, auf die Unternehmen und Menschen jederzeit und überall zugreifen können, ohne dass komplexe Vorgänge erforderlich sind.

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und maschinelles Lernen: Instant access to huge amount of data whether in cloud platforms or in physical platforms has made it easy to analyse huge amount of data/information and get insights faster. Learning from these data sets and patterns made it possible to be more efficient in future.

Rechenleistung: Artificial Intelligence and machine learning platforms are handling huge amount of data, also known as “big data”. Consequently, the technologies are becoming more complex and this complexity requires faster, instant and secure computing.

Edge computing: Having the availability to be able to distribute the computing service in different but on-premise locations allows faster, reliable and flexible computing.



Nowadays, IoT has transformed and it is not just a buzzword anymore. People are interacting with IoT in their daily lives, most of the time without noticing they are using this technology. From smart phones to smart devices and smart home applications to cars, all equipped with IoT technology. It is undertaking many responsibilities that usually people were doing before.

Die IoT-Technologie ist leicht auf den Sektor der erneuerbaren Energien anwendbar, da dieser sehr flexibel und offen für sofortige Veränderungen ist. In den letzten Jahren ist die Branche der erneuerbaren Energien erheblich gewachsen, und es wird erwartet, dass sie auch in den nächsten zehn Jahren weiter wachsen wird. The cover and impact of the renewable industry is increasing on a yearly basis and is expected continue. IoT offers real-time monitoring and management, improved cost efficiency, increased precise automation, higher security standards and better load management. In addition, it has a huge impact on the energy consumption levels and decreasing the carbon footprint.


In our previous article we explained what the sensors are and how they are functioning during data acquisition processes.

Sensors possess a vital part for IoT processes. From the perspective of IoT, sensors, built-in as IoT components, are expected to do more than just collecting external information and translating them into signals people or machines can understand. Special sensors for IoT are more complex and require more stability. Multiple sensors are able to combine complex and vast information and match up for inferring conclusions. These conclusions can be about latent problems such as vibration sensors, and temperature sensors data can be combined to predict future failures. Depending on the sensors, state-of-the-art sensors contains multiple functions in one device.

Um mit maximaler Produktivität arbeiten zu können, sollten Sensoren die folgenden Eigenschaften aufweisen, damit sie erfolgreich in IoT-Anwendungen eingesetzt werden können:

  • Lower cost of production
  • Wireless connection
  • Built-in small size
  • Strong battery
  • Robustheit, um die Wartung zu minimieren
  • Self-diagnostics
  • Self-healing ability
  • Fähigkeit zur Selbstkalibrierung
  • Vorverarbeitung von Daten


Der Begriff Datenpipeline bezieht sich auf eine Reihe von Datenverarbeitungselementen, bei denen die Ausgabe das nächste Element speist, indem verschiedene Sätze erstellt werden. In IoT-Systemen nimmt das Daten-Pipelining einen wichtigen Platz ein, da es festlegt, welche Daten gesammelt werden sollen. Abhängig von den festgelegten Bedingungen werden die Daten extrahiert, transformiert, kombiniert, validiert und für die weitere Analyse und Visualisierung geladen.

Das Data Pipelining ist in verschiedene Schichten unterteilt. Bei diesen Schichten handelt es sich in der Regel um die Dateneingangsschicht, die Datenerfassungsschicht, die Datenverarbeitungsschicht, die Datenvisualisierungsschicht, die Datenabfrageschicht, die Datenspeicherung und die Datensicherheitsschicht.



Edge computing is important for IoT devices. The unending data exchange between the IoT devices and servers are increasing its capacity and becoming more complex day by day. The cloud technology has its limits, such as bandwidth, latency, security and need for online connection. Thus, with on-premise infrastructure, edge computing is providing advanced, secure and connection without latency for exchanging data with IoT devices or users. The importance of edge computing especially in the energy industry is to increase the standards of the process and increase the safety measurements.



Data streaming is also known as stream processing. The amount and the comprehensiveness of the generated data is increasing exponentially as well as the sources generating the data. Data streaming provides the real-time feed of data that can be stored, analysed and be used with no need of downloading before.



IoT disrupted the industry and changed the evolution of technology. Operational processes are shifting towards IoT technology, integrating smart sensors and SCADA systems into IoT solutions. Since IoT is a complex technology, there has been a paradigm shift in different dimensions. The integration of IoT with edge computing and machine learning is benefiting industry 4.0 applications and should be enabled as much as possible.



The ANNEA approach to the process is holistic: we provide real-time gathering, transferring, data evaluation, and prediction up to one year in advance as well as pinpointing the root-cause in real-time. Data streaming, IoT pipelining and edge computing represent the phases that enable a seamless process while also fulfilling all the requirements and this is what distinguishes the ANNEA Platform from others.

Our platform is also capable of connecting directly to the sensors, making use of different protocols e.g. SCADA protocols. We offer tailor made software solutions that are compatible with SCADA systems through an uninterrupted communication. This enables you to analyse your assets via IoT solutions.

Wir bieten die nächste Generation einer automatisierten, vorausschauenden Wartungsplattform. Damit können Maschinen ihren eigenen Gesundheitszustand selbst in komplexen und extremen Umgebungen analysieren und kommunizieren und dabei von den neuesten IoT-Lösungen profitieren. Dabei hat der Datenschutz für uns Priorität. Die ANNEA-Plattform ist auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik und erfüllt die höchsten Sicherheitsanforderungen, um die bestmögliche Erfahrung und Effizienz zu gewährleisten.



As we are moving forward with different topics, in this article we presented an industry milestone, a future defining megatrend to you as simple as possible. We will be explaining “digital twins” in our next article.

Kontakt us to gain further insights from ANNEA Experts.

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